Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bag Yard Blog #2 "Call it Confession, that's good"

Authors Note: Once again we are sitting down on my (Jonathan's) back porch. Brad is relaying to me his profound thoughts...or something like that. 

So you know, here the last week or two I have been studying and journaling more. I've been reading Philippians. It's always the book I go to when I'm feeling down. The book is filled with so much inspiration. You know Philippians 4:13 "I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength" 

I have also been reading this book called the Ragamuffin Gospel (which is a great book, have you read it?) Brennan Manning talks about that verse, Philippians 3:13 (do you know Philippians 3:13 Jonathan? Well in Philippians 3:13 it says I forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead). That's a huge thought for me, it's key for me, to forget about what I have done in the past and keep moving forward. (are you writing this? Because you don't seem to be writing that fast). 

One of the phrases that I use the most with the at-risk kids that I work with is "keep moving forward." It is so easy for them to get bogged down. 

Anyway, I realized that's what we have to do when we come to God for forgiveness. Lay it all out there, and then move forward (looks off for a while, mentions something about baseball).

Because our God is a God of grace and forgiveness. And a God of 2nd chances. 

I just got done talking to one of my best married couple friends (I said one of them, Jonathan, not the best married friends). Anyway I just got done talking to them about what I have been struggling with for the last few years, and at first I was nervous, but now I realize that it was probably one of the best things I could have done. 

They encouraged me (Junebug flew on me/Jonathan, then I freaked out....pause to kill Junebug) they prayed for me, and even though their baby spit up all over my shirt (did you put the even though the baby spit up on my shirt part? Oh, you are going to write that down to aren't you?) that was still something I was afraid to do, but something I should have done along time ago.

Because I am not in this battle alone. 

I am surrounded in this area, by friends and loved ones, to who I have been too afraid to talk to, even the one writing this (wait do you think that's going to be too confusing? Will they know I am talking about you? Did you write the warning at the top again?)

So I hope that you get something out of this, for those of you who read this (probably all of about 5 people, I quit telling people about this blog by the way). So if you are struggling with something...I hope you are able to tell somebody. And do it quick. Before it gets worse, because that is what happened to me. 


Jonathan Storment said...

It's fun doing this with you dude, and I am proud of you for what you did.

KSullie said...

i love this blog! ha ha. i am going to link to it on my blog if i ever figure out how to do that. altho, people never see my blog anymore bc i never write...i wrote last week, by the way. ok see ya thurs!

KSullie said...

is the title of this supposed to say bag yard blog? bag? hm...
of course now you are probably going to edit it and then people are gonna wonder what im talking about!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome, Brad.