Thursday, July 3, 2008

Lately, job and stuff

Sorry I for my many adring readers out there( all three of you), that I have'nt posted anything for a while. I have been very busy at work and trying to figure out where I am going to live in August. My roommate is moving back to Nashville and I have to find a place to live for the next few months. So I apoligize for that.
Some interesting things have been happening in my life recently and it is hard for me to expalin them because I can't. Well, it was mainly just three things. I work as a recreational director at a children's home in downtown Ft. Worth, and there has recently been some open positions availble here that would have solved my problem that I stated earlier. It was a single live - in houseparent where everything was paid for like housing, food, utilties, and even transportation while I was on shift, which is four days on and three days off. So, it was a sweet deal right. The day I was supposed to have the interview for the position, I turned it down. I called up the supervisor and told him that I didn't want it. I can't explain it, but something told me not to go through with it and to stick with my other position. I don't know if it was God tellling me not to do it or what, but I can't come up with any other explainations for it. I was telling this to one of my best friends the other night at Taco Bueno, the best food ever, and I was telling him that I think I would miss the kids I work with now, and that I think that I was meant to be here with them because so many people haven't been there for them in the past. And these kids are very hard to love, but it is something that just comes natural to me. I would still do stuff with them at the other position, just not all the time. I mean, I was pumped and excited about the possibility of interviewing for it all weekend long, but Tuesday morning I woke up with the thought that I wasn't supposed to be there. I know God speaks to us still and uses us everyday, but this hasn't really happened to me in a while.
It doesn't stop there either. I was finally able to go to the young singles worship get together that same night. And I will admitt, there have been times in the past when i only went to check out the single girls and stuff, but not this time.It was really nice to go and not worry about who to talk to and what I looked like and to just worship God. The singing and the lesson were amazing and it was probably the best one that I have been to personally. Again I just felt like I needed to be there.
One more thing, sorry about all this, I know this long but I have to write this last thing because I haven't told anybody about this last part at all. I have a very good friend from college who grew up in Scotland. We still keep in touch every now and then through facebook and e-mail, but we haven't talked in a few months. Him and his wife are currently studying to be missionaries in Scotland in two or three years and he mentioned it to me whenever we last talked and I judt kinda blew it off a little. Well, are you ready for this. Again, I can't really expain why i did this but it happened. I sent him an e-mail saying that I was aboard and that I wanted to be part of their team whenever they go to Scotland. I know that was a huge decision but something was telling me that I needed to do it. I don't know much about Scotland or even how acceptable it is to Christianity, but I don't care, I know that I will be taken care of. I am not making this up, all these things were completly random and believe it or not all happened in one day, July 1st.
I know that God speaks to His people all the time in many ways, I just never really thought that that could be the reason for all this until now. I need to be more trusting and let God use me the way he wants to use me. I don't know if this is God's purpose for me but I am willing to accept it and continue living for Him.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bag Yard Blog #2 "Call it Confession, that's good"

Authors Note: Once again we are sitting down on my (Jonathan's) back porch. Brad is relaying to me his profound thoughts...or something like that. 

So you know, here the last week or two I have been studying and journaling more. I've been reading Philippians. It's always the book I go to when I'm feeling down. The book is filled with so much inspiration. You know Philippians 4:13 "I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength" 

I have also been reading this book called the Ragamuffin Gospel (which is a great book, have you read it?) Brennan Manning talks about that verse, Philippians 3:13 (do you know Philippians 3:13 Jonathan? Well in Philippians 3:13 it says I forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead). That's a huge thought for me, it's key for me, to forget about what I have done in the past and keep moving forward. (are you writing this? Because you don't seem to be writing that fast). 

One of the phrases that I use the most with the at-risk kids that I work with is "keep moving forward." It is so easy for them to get bogged down. 

Anyway, I realized that's what we have to do when we come to God for forgiveness. Lay it all out there, and then move forward (looks off for a while, mentions something about baseball).

Because our God is a God of grace and forgiveness. And a God of 2nd chances. 

I just got done talking to one of my best married couple friends (I said one of them, Jonathan, not the best married friends). Anyway I just got done talking to them about what I have been struggling with for the last few years, and at first I was nervous, but now I realize that it was probably one of the best things I could have done. 

They encouraged me (Junebug flew on me/Jonathan, then I freaked out....pause to kill Junebug) they prayed for me, and even though their baby spit up all over my shirt (did you put the even though the baby spit up on my shirt part? Oh, you are going to write that down to aren't you?) that was still something I was afraid to do, but something I should have done along time ago.

Because I am not in this battle alone. 

I am surrounded in this area, by friends and loved ones, to who I have been too afraid to talk to, even the one writing this (wait do you think that's going to be too confusing? Will they know I am talking about you? Did you write the warning at the top again?)

So I hope that you get something out of this, for those of you who read this (probably all of about 5 people, I quit telling people about this blog by the way). So if you are struggling with something...I hope you are able to tell somebody. And do it quick. Before it gets worse, because that is what happened to me. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Laredo bat trade

Now for something random, like I promised. The other day on my way into work, I was listening to the Michael Irvin show on ESPN radio. I love this show and the topic they were talking about lat week proved me why I do love it. They were talking to John Odom, I know right the John Odom. For those of you who are not familiar with Mr. Odom, he was recently the main product in one of the most outrageous trades I have ever heard about.
Last week the Calgary Vipers traded John to the Laredo Broncos, not for money, not for other players, but for baseball bats. That's right baseball bats, 10 of them to be precise. But these weren't any regualr baseball bats, they were Prairie Stick Maple Bats, double-dipped black, 34-inch, C243 style. These bats run about $70 a pop, so they are alright sticks. Apparently Calgary was having problems with John getting over the border to play, Laredo heard about it and at first offered money for him, but Calgary called back and wanted bats. And this isn't the first time that Calgary has done something like this, one other time they offered to trade a player for 1,500 blue stadium seats while they were remodeling their stadium.
How embarrasing to be involved in such a trade. I mean how good must you be if you are getting traded for 10 bats. I don't think I see a lot of all star games for John, but I could be wrong. But I do see a lot of trivia questions and possibly a believe-it-or-not article. I wish John the best of luck in Laredo and hopefully for Laredo, they get the better end of the trade.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Back Yard Blog #1: Inspiration

Authors note: This is the first in a weekly series called Back Yard Blogs, where Brad sits down with his friend Jonathan and dictates to him what to say. Jonathan will type out everything that is said. Everything. 

So this past weekend I was inspired once again in my short lived life. But this time it actually meant something. For the last three years, I have been going through a rut. And this weekend helped me to climb toward the light. 

This past weekend my friend Jeremy got married to his wife Jessica. It was inspiring to me because I know that at this time last year my friend Jeremy was in the same spot I was. Single and lonely. (gosh Michael is going to think I have a man crush on Jeremy if I write this blog).

(But um, stop don't put but um... )On the trip up there my good friend Jonathan, and Matt (some random guy we picked up on the road) guessed on what the percentage of Jeremy crying at the wedding would be. We all thought that there was a likely chance that he would cry, only after she said no. (Wait don't put that last part, that would be horrible). So the wedding begins, my best friend Jonathan is officiating, after he tells the lame story that he tells at every wedding that he does (laughter), and Jeremy is up there with his groomsmen, Jessica starts walking down the aisle. And Jeremy just starts crying. 

Now I know that I was supposed to be laughing and poking fun at Jeremy (burp) but for some reason I couldn't. Maybe it was because he found what he was looking for (burp again) and that I am still searching. (How is that? Does that sound a little desperate?)

Or maybe it is because I am older and have matured up a bit, (no wait I know a better way of saying that, no erase that I am sorry, here's what you need to write...)

Or maybe it was because I am older and wiser and that is why I waited till we were in the car on the way home to make fun of him. But it inspired me to be a better Christian and to quit worrying about such feeble things like "should I ask that girl out?" (Wait does that sound stupid, if you know a better way to say that then go ahead and do it. Wait are you adding what I am saying now? Stop it.) 

I am not saying that I am giving up asking out girls, I am saying that I am going to start working on my relationship with God before I even worry about that other stuff. And I think that's the key, until I learn to put God first, I don't think God will bring somebody into my life (looks off into the distance and then stops talking...for a while....burps again....) 

I thought I knew what that feeling was when I was in high school. But it wasn't. I just liked making out. And I think at one point we were all there. And year after year, some of my best friends are getting married. I've been in 8 weddings! Caught the garter at 4 of them. (I really have I got them all in my car). Yet it wasn't until this weekend that I looked back at all those times and thought about all they had to accomplish and go through to get to where they are at. 
So please join me on my journey in finding the true meaning of God's love. 

(Do you think that's good? I'm done)

Yeah Fool!

    Yeah fool, that's right I have a blog. The bad Brad has a blog. You may remember me from such places as Harding University. I am currently living in Fort Worth. This is my weekly dose of thoughts that occur in my head at random times. Some of them maybe random, maybe some will be enlightening. Probably more on the random side. Read and let me know what you think. I hope to hear from you!