I know I haven't written in a long time and I know that I need to be more consistent about this, I'm trying to get my buddy Jonathan to post this on his web page but he told me I needed to write more. I guess it is because I feel like I don't have good stuff to write about and that i think about what i want to write about way to much. so here is what has been on my mind over the last few weeks. I hope to get a few more people to read this and comment on it.
Ever since I became eligible to vote I guess I have been trying to get caught up and have been getting a little more clearer understanding of our twp party system and what both them bring to to the table. I grew up in small town America all my life and a little out of the loop until i figured out what the internet was and how to use it, which for me growing up in small town Arkansas, was around my junior year in high school. I knew who the president was and since he was a Democrat, that we didn't like him, but i didn't know why we didn't like him. i was too busy playing football or baseball to worry about that type of stuff. then i started taking some of my social work classes in college and started to get a little more perspective of what was happening during my high school years.and to be honest with you, I agreed with some of the things that took place while the democrats had the office those years. I couldn't ever say this to my parents or relatives because i might be shunned from family reunions and stuff. I grew up in a very republican house with grandparents to this day still have the television set on Fox News 24/7 in there house, so my political status was already set up for me.
i have never been the one to get all riled up about politics. Don't get me wrong, there are things that i care deeply about that politics are involved in such as the social injustice and poverty. I have chosen a career path where these things affect my work. i have had co-workers that were homosexual and have known friends beginning in the 8th grade that have had an abortion. i have had people all my life tell me it is all bout their choices and that they aren't living the life that was set up fro them. But we have choices to and most of the time, we chose to not do anything about it and just sit there and continue to criticize other peoples lives and forget about what was going on in ours that was keeping us from making a difference in their lives. i view the big news networks and bullies, who pick on the weak that and heavy laden instead of being encouraging and supportive of one another.
i could express my political issues and what i feel our society should do. but i am more concerned about being a better stronger Christian and follower of Christ then to worry about if i am a democrat or republican. I don't want to be remembered for my political standpoint but by my acts. and i can't help out but realize from experience and conversation that the one thing should be an answer to this isn't. Church. Church was meant to be a safe place for the downtrodden and the underprivileged, but over the times it has been a place where it has become their lost hope. why bother having a pantry if they are going to make anyone who comes in asking for it feel even worse about themselves then when they walked in. i thought Jesus taught about this in the Beatitudes or was that just supposed to be referring to those times and not today. Last time i checked, the resurrection hasn't happened it and that we are to go about living in anticipation and living His words. I haven't been the best about doing this, but i am trying and the Church that i belong to has helped gain a little visual of what that looks like. They have adopted a rundown and poverty stricken elementary school and has spent weekends making repairs on it and we aren't talking about hiring people to do it, members have given up their weekends to do so. i have never been part of a church, or a group of fellow believers, that have done service projects whole heartedly and enjoyed it.
I hope I am not bashing on any democrats or republicans that may read this, that is not my intention. I know politics play a huge role in or society and that it is hard to not get involved, but i have more important things to worry about. some of my beliefs can be viewed as democratic or republican, but I view them as having the Christian point of view and doing my best to continue that. God is my judge and i am doing my best to get a life sentence when i am up for trial.
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5 years ago
Good post, Brad. There needs to be some balance here with this whole politics thing...and it means the average citizen putting their money where their mouth is.
That's right KO, I think that when we get our hands dirty the wallet and the heart will follow. Good post buddy. I'm proud of you for writing such a well thought out blog.
I realize i may have hurt some very important people in my life with this and i apologize for writing it. i need to be more aware of my audience, i didn't even know i had one. i went back and read it and there are things that i will be more aware of in the future.
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