Monday, June 2, 2008

Back Yard Blog #1: Inspiration

Authors note: This is the first in a weekly series called Back Yard Blogs, where Brad sits down with his friend Jonathan and dictates to him what to say. Jonathan will type out everything that is said. Everything. 

So this past weekend I was inspired once again in my short lived life. But this time it actually meant something. For the last three years, I have been going through a rut. And this weekend helped me to climb toward the light. 

This past weekend my friend Jeremy got married to his wife Jessica. It was inspiring to me because I know that at this time last year my friend Jeremy was in the same spot I was. Single and lonely. (gosh Michael is going to think I have a man crush on Jeremy if I write this blog).

(But um, stop don't put but um... )On the trip up there my good friend Jonathan, and Matt (some random guy we picked up on the road) guessed on what the percentage of Jeremy crying at the wedding would be. We all thought that there was a likely chance that he would cry, only after she said no. (Wait don't put that last part, that would be horrible). So the wedding begins, my best friend Jonathan is officiating, after he tells the lame story that he tells at every wedding that he does (laughter), and Jeremy is up there with his groomsmen, Jessica starts walking down the aisle. And Jeremy just starts crying. 

Now I know that I was supposed to be laughing and poking fun at Jeremy (burp) but for some reason I couldn't. Maybe it was because he found what he was looking for (burp again) and that I am still searching. (How is that? Does that sound a little desperate?)

Or maybe it is because I am older and have matured up a bit, (no wait I know a better way of saying that, no erase that I am sorry, here's what you need to write...)

Or maybe it was because I am older and wiser and that is why I waited till we were in the car on the way home to make fun of him. But it inspired me to be a better Christian and to quit worrying about such feeble things like "should I ask that girl out?" (Wait does that sound stupid, if you know a better way to say that then go ahead and do it. Wait are you adding what I am saying now? Stop it.) 

I am not saying that I am giving up asking out girls, I am saying that I am going to start working on my relationship with God before I even worry about that other stuff. And I think that's the key, until I learn to put God first, I don't think God will bring somebody into my life (looks off into the distance and then stops talking...for a while....burps again....) 

I thought I knew what that feeling was when I was in high school. But it wasn't. I just liked making out. And I think at one point we were all there. And year after year, some of my best friends are getting married. I've been in 8 weddings! Caught the garter at 4 of them. (I really have I got them all in my car). Yet it wasn't until this weekend that I looked back at all those times and thought about all they had to accomplish and go through to get to where they are at. 
So please join me on my journey in finding the true meaning of God's love. 

(Do you think that's good? I'm done)


KSullie said...

Oh my gosh I laughed out loud 5 times (I counted.) Definitely had a grin on my face the whole time.
My favorite part is where you say you have four garters in your car!

Love you BB.

Anonymous said...

It is good stuff, it is humorous. I guess that i'll come back and visit again.

joyfaith said...'re so funny!!!! I could totally picture this going on...full visual! I love that Jonathan added in the burps too :)hahaha...But really, I'm so excited where you are right now in life!!! That's an awesome spot! Just you and God and you will miss this time when you do find your person!!!! You might not think it now but you will! Just you and Jesus all your spare time with him and then you have to make time....because of all the giddiness and then you get back on track...anyway I'm excited for you and am praying! :) love you!