But this one beats out everything. So I recently ran across this story about the burger on the right. It is going to be sold at the West Michigan Whitecaps ballpark this coming season. Look at it, I don't think I will even try to eat that. Here is a list of what is in it, 5 hamburger patties, nearly a cup of chili and loaded with salsa and chips on a sesame seed bun. It all adds up to a measly 4,800 calories per burger. The ballpark is offering a free t-shirt wo anyone that eats the whole thing during the game. Really, I would offer to pay for the hospital bill or least throw in a couple bottles of mlylanta or something. They could possibly even do what the Grand Prairie Airhogs did last year and have a raffle for a free funeral.
A lot of the times the ballpark will have food that is popular in that area, like the turkey leg in Texas. In Colorado they have Rocky Mountain oysters, Seattle has grilled salmon sandwiches, Houston has the BBQ stuffed potato, Pittsburgh has the Primanti Bros. sandwich, and San Diego has the Rubio's fish tacos.
I just can't wait till baseball season hits back up, I might even get a couple of all you can seats at the Ballpark in Arlington. It really wouldn't be a game without the food, at least in my view. So I plan on watching a few games and eating a few turkey legs and then downing a few bottles of Pepto.